Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lake Powell

Well, I guess I am just really bad at writing a regular blog.  The past two or three weeks have been utterly amazing, I have hung out with so many good friends and seen so many amazing natural wonders.  There is just so much to see in America that it is almost overwhelming to try to tackle it all in one go.  I have seen so many panoramic vistas that I am starting to lose the wonder of them.  But meeting new people and new friends always makes up for it.  Getting to share the energy and vitality of others while looking out at these epic views truly makes up for everything.

Right now, I am in the mountains in southern California (on top of Frazier mountain).  Since I am so far behind, I am going to start with Lake Powell and let the pictures speak for themselves.

Yea, I woke up the first day to this view... Life is good.

Solid breakfast

Lone Rock from a distance:

Then up close:

Amazing camp site, I spent two days here.  You had to be 4 wheel drive and have good tires to get there.  I didn't see a single other vehicle for the two days I was there.

This might be my favorite picture of my truck of all time:

I even have the christmas lighs!

Packed for a long day

This was a HUGE dam!

With a well manicured lawn!

And that was lake Powell.  So very beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Truly amazing pictures Paulie!!! Thanks so much for sharing them. I miss you so that's enough with the roaming around. Just turn around and come on back to Huntsville. :-) Just kidding. Enjoy the journey.
